Essays for college
Persuasive English Essay About A Literary Topic
Monday, August 24, 2020
Critically assess the extent to which HPWP relies on the intensification of work
Fundamentally survey the degree to which HPWP depends on the escalation of work Presentation The superior work rehearses condensed as HPWP signifies a universally handy administrative portrayal incorporating a few perspectives. Be that as it may, the depiction of High Performance Work Practices glade demonstrates to connect some involvedness. HPWP has vanquished the modernization of human asset management.Advertising We will compose a custom paper test on Critically survey the degree to which HPWP depends on the heightening of work explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More truth be told, considers led in the previous fifteen years identifying with the idea of superior work rehearses and their suggestions on authoritative exhibition have explored different parts of human asset (Bacon Blyton, 2006). Meanwhile, the employees’ result responsibility enraptures because of the HPWP that expands the advantages of the association. The observational examinations have flourished to investigate the effects of High Performance Work Practices under general ly battling viewpoints. That is, High Performance Work Practices have hopeful and skeptical outcomes relating to both the foundation and representatives. Among the advantages, incorporate more significant compensation, worker responsibility, raised aptitudes and preparing, bunch work, low work turnover, gainfulness, and high profitability (Macky Boxall, 2007). Nonetheless, explore states that negative impacts might be found in the laborers experience, HPWP follows because of more elevated level of commitment, support, and decision making ability. The foundation spill out, worry at work, outstanding burden, and responsibility may eclipse these additions. Therefore, work strengthening is the possible brunt of the High Performance Work Practices expected of an organization’s workforce. The degree at which the standards of High Performance Work Practices are influenced by work strengthening is the significant motivation behind this paper. At first, the paper investigates the conn ection between work increase and HPWP. The paper distinguishes the unique wellsprings of impacts in the midst of the negative and positive HPWP attitudes toward an organization’s staff. The paper at that point surveys the linkages among execution and authoritative practices just as the course to execution results, and how associations measure the presentation results. The paper takes a gander at certain set up viewpoints of HPWP and their impacts on human resources.Advertising Looking for exposition on business financial aspects? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The connection among HPWPs and work increase Despite the evidences offered by writing on the administration of HR, such accessible verifications right now hints that work heightening is a potential outcome gave the owner doesn't fittingly utilize High Performance Work Practices. Conceivably, the staff has attracted superior working by just captivating more or new practices in this adoration. Superior Work Practices might be or may not be the best practice. The interconnected exercises, for example, human asset methods, rehearses, projects, techniques, and ways of thinking are encased in the vital HRM as Bacon and Blyton (2006) contend. The corporation’s HR reasoning mirrors the undertakings to set up high performing work power as showed by the system created by Schuler (1992). Subsequently, the design of procedures, practices, projects, and arrangements mirrors this legitimately. The approaches developing superior measure while rewarding the workforce frames some portion of the engineering of the best practice and HPWPs. To be sure, the best practice is obvious in any human asset reasoning utilizing HPWPs as the premise of HRM arrangement to incorporate the company’s outside and inward plans. The practices execution connect The business representative common advantages are doable through High Performance Work Practices. As contended in the HPWPs unitarist perspective, the workforce gains from the important and changed business feeling of significant worth, just as the prevalent watchfulness of errand. The workers may encounter the increases through the formative or direct interest. Then again, the businesses gain from having the staffs that are given, exasperated, and extra dedicated. Such work power will utilize their curiosity and imaginativeness to work under least watch by generously associating with different laborers to nature the nature of their work. In actuality, these HR are anxious to work since they get that strengthening to do the doled out errands. Braverman (1974) set forward that such representatives are less inclined to be missing from work or even abstain from achieving their assignments. Plus, the other advantage as per Guthrie (2001) and Arthur (1994) demonstrates that laborers are less inclined to escape the enterprise for another because of such work intensification.Advertising W e will compose a custom exposition test on Critically survey the degree to which HPWP depends on the increase of work explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The above work escalations will expand the odds of High Performance Work Practices. Be that as it may, these shared advantages additionally accompany the cost requirements to both the business and the workers. The workers for this situation are qualified for relate to the authoritative execution goals. In addition, they are obliged to place in extra optional difficult work and recognize high obligation efforts. By and by, the businesses need to depend on the staffs that are less replaceable and meet significant expenses of money including the revamping of work, workforce advancement and preparing (Macky Boxall, 2007). Through work increase, the businesses are additionally expected to surrender specific controls to their workforce consequently, HPWP. With respect to the pluralist support of High Performance Work P ractices, the methodology pictures a circumstance of a lose-win for laborers and managers. The state of a success lose condition comes because of the angled or direct determination of the HPWP model advantages from the strengthening of work. The understanding of this viewpoint depends on the inclusion of the presented plans of superior by method of inescapable decreases of staff and work broadening. By and large, the workforces bring about the overheads while the benefits are generally delighted in by the organizations. Through this, the workers need to reward for the additions of execution by methods for the duty moved from hampers to the immediate occupation misfortunes. Hence, a definitive outcome will see the laborers subordinate their enthusiasm to those of the organization and initiate themselves to additional work (Braverman, 1974). Thusly, it is basic to investigate the course of authoritative and workforce execution just as whether the work increase or high inspiration of t he representatives realizes High Performance Work Practices. The course to hierarchical and representatives execution results The capacities, inspiration, and openings portrayal of Purcell and Boxall (2003) imagine entomb direct subject in the midst of the effects of the affirmed rehearses on the workers and authoritative presentation. Superior Work Practices impacts the exhibition results consistency dependent on the AMO model in a few manners.Advertising Searching for exposition on business financial aspects? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More At first, the exhibition ability and the limit of laborers alter in that the practices influence the aptitudes of the representatives with respect to level of abilities and information. The motivation levels to introduce such abilities and information are additionally vainglorious inferable from the impact of practices on the employee’s perspectives. At last, there is the whole utilization of the improved capacities because of the open doors made by High Performance Work Practices. Better limits are set up by the capacities of the laborers. Various confirmations advocate that High Performance Work Practices aids the advancement of information and aptitudes as for improving the capacities of a worker. Different investigations declare that High Performance Work Practices are identified with an assortment of new abilities. So far as that is concerned, HPWP model produces the advantageous and broad learning environs because of the encouraged working environment information. Also, Bacon and Blyton (2006) underscore that the disparities of aptitudes in the midst of non-standard and full time HR is compressed possibly by the High Performance Work Practices. On the other hand, the degrees at which activities rise up out of High Performance Work Practices get impact from inspiration. The responsibility impacts studied rises up out of a few lines of examination including HPWPs. also, motivation. The intensified responsibility in an association generally improves the degrees of inspiration as set up by multitudinous researchers. To be sure, this improvement increments especially because of high repayment, better inclusion of workforce in the dynamic procedures, improved procedures of airing grievances, and the use of adaptable activity arrangements. With respect to the general high pace of work fulfillment, Boxall and Macky (2007) found that individuals from staff grasping HPWPs are progressively propelled. Similarly, for the skills of urged laborers to be verbaliz ed, the open doors upgrade the avenue taking into account the affinity in the midst of chances and HPWPs. The laborers chance to work to the full capability is accommodated by the High Performance Work Practices. The representative can meet this through upgrading the mutual data and joint effort. In addition, the unwinding of certain plans of work and structures in the association may empower laborers to utiliz
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Comparing Fitzgeralds Great Gatsby and Eliots The Love Song of J. Alf
Fitzgerald's Great Gatsby and Eliot's The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock  â The Roaring Twenties infer an age of perpetual celebrating, which reflected next to no of the ethics of the ages going before it. The world, for that age, was quick paced and completely material, swarmed with peculiar and bright characters like David Belasco and Arnold Rothstein. Propelled by this current time's profoundly depleted individuals (Brians), F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby and T. S. Eliot's The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock address a large number of similar topics in endeavoring to reestablish the lost age. In building up these subjects, the two creators use climate, the idea of hallucination versus reality and the bearing of time as a method of passing on the guarantee of their fantasy to the residents of the Jazz Age. In both The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock and The Great Gatsby, climate and time of day have a significant impact in establishing the pace and mind-set. Prufrock sets out at night, a period of vulnerability, neither day nor night, to face his past. In like manner, the significant occasions in the Great Gatsby happen at a noteworthy time of day. Once, when Gatsby conversed with Nick about his past, Nick portrays it as a period of disarray, (Fitzgerald 102) which the night opportunity has arrived to represent. Likewise, the hour of conclusive admission in the Great Gatsby was the night Daisy dismissed Gatsby (148). Indeed, even the covering of the night was insufficient to conceal the embitterment of his fantasy. Right now, Gatsby enlightens every bit of relevant information concerning his past and his relationship with Daisy. This past was set in October, just like The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock. When Gatsby thinks back through the fogs of time, he sees an ideal ... ...the two creators tried to convey to their social orders, the magnificence of a fantasy uncorrupted by silly fantasies. In utilizing the climate, the idea of hallucination versus reality and the course of time to pass on the guarantee of their fantasy to the residents of the Jazz Age, Fitzgerald and Eliot differentiate the dissatisfaction and sadness that was inalienable in a profoundly bankrupt world with the satisfaction normal for a more grounded and less indecent way of life.  Works Cited:  Bewley, Marius. A few Notes on The Great Gatsby. Mizener 70-76. Eliot, T.S.. The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Ed. M.H. Abrams. New York: Norton, 1996. 2459-2463. Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. 1925. New York: Scribner Classic, 1986. Pinion, F. B. A T.S. Eliot Companion. Totowa: Barnes and Noble Books, 1986.
Saturday, July 18, 2020
Riot Roundup The Best Books We Read OctoberDecember 2019
Riot Roundup The Best Books We Read Octoberâ€"December 2019 We asked our contributors to share the best book they read from October to December and what a list! We’ve got fantastic memoirs, horror, literature, short stories, thrillers, fantasy, and much, much moreâ€"there are excellent book recommendations for so many reading tastes! Some are old, some are new, and some aren’t even out yetheres looking at you 2020! The Best Books We Read Octoberâ€"December 2019 10 Things I Hate About Pinky by Sandhya Menon (Simon Pulse, June 30, 2020) Ever since reading When Dimple Met Rishi in the fall of 2016 I’ve continued a fall tradition of reading a galley of Menon’s book that is set to publish the next year. It has become self-care. An escape at the end of the year and certainly more and more needed since 2016. This fall I read next year’s delightful, enemies-to-love romcom (more annoyed-to love) 10 Things I Hate About Pinky, and once again Menon squeezed my heart as Pinky and Samir fake date only to find they may not want to pretend anymore…It also really made me laugh. And now I want a pet possum. So if you’re a fan of Menon’s you’re going to want this the second it publishes. If you need a romcom, here you go. If you just need to escape from all the anger and hate and world fires into a world of people, certainly with problems but not set to cruelty, make yourself a little book fort and enjoy. I love that I can always count on Menon to entertain me with wonderful and lovely characters trying to figure thing s out while finding friendship and love along the way. Basically, 100 things I love about Menon and her characters. â€"Jamie Canaves All the Fabulous Beasts by Priya Sharma I LIVE for a good collection of short stories, and Priya Sharma’s debut collection did not disappoint. It’s a haunting collection, mostly in the vein of horror and dark fantasy, that explores the macabre, birth, death, and sexuality. Some stories had that luscious creepy feel, while others were downright unsettling. The opening story, “The Crow Palace,†remains my favorite for its perfect build-up; visceral scenes; the way it was at once sad, tender, and horrifying; and for an ending that left me gasping. For all you Angela Carter fans out there, make this your next read. â€"Lyndsie Manusos Because Internet: Understanding the New Rules of Language by Gretchen McCulloch For someone who frequently overrides my phone’s autocapitalization and autocorrect to strike just the right tone in texts and tweets, Because Internet had me feeling like a scholar. There are smiling poo emojis and “I Can Has Cheezburger†memes in the text and you can find entries for “AFâ€, “AIMâ€, and “doge and snek memes†in the index. Gretchen McCulloch has a master’s in linguistics from McGill University and is a self-proclaimed internet linguist. In Because Internet, she traces the different generations of “internet people†based on their knowledge of and interaction with different sites and apps through the years and also touches on tone of voice, internet gestures, and internet culture. I love how language is constantly changing and we’re constantly reevaluating what words mean and how they’re used, and this book brought me to a whole new, nuanced level of understanding these changes. Also, I both read and listened to this book and can highly recomme nd the print and audio versions. â€"Dana Lee The Crying Book by Heather Christle First of all, take a moment to soak in this gorgeous cover. Now, to the insides. The Crying Book is a collection of vignettes and poems and famous (or not-so-famous) literary passages about crying. Heather Christle’s life is one big emotional rollercoasterâ€"a friend has just died by suicide, she’s pregnant with her first child, and the United States is under a horrifying administrationâ€"and tears are the one central, unchanging thing. Christle digs into Lachrymology, the science of tears: The body produces different types of tears to keep eyes lubricated, to flush out foreign objects, and, of course, to show emotion. They have different chemical makeups and different viscosities. She writes about the agency of crying women, shares Amazon reviews for crying baby dolls, and considers the weaponization of white tears. The Crying Book is moving, sad, powerful, beautiful little book. â€"Ashley Holstrom Disappearing Earth by Julia Phillips One afternoon, on the shoreline of a northeastern Russian peninsula, two girls go missing. But this isn’t a mystery novel, nor is it a thriller. Rather, each chapter, we travel month-by-month across Kamchatka, dipping in and out of the lives of the people affected by the girls’ disappearance. Each vignette could stand alone as a short story, but together, they weave together a beautiful and atmospheric picture of a Russia not often seen. All the while, the author subtly touches on social issues, such as homophobia and racism against native folks. Don’t go into this book expecting a fast-paced hunt for the missing girls, because what you will find inside is a slow, melancholic burn and boy, does it pay off. â€"Sophia LeFevre Doctor Sleep by Stephen King (Spoilers ahead) “Only the child was unhurt. Physically at least.†Back in the day, I read Stephen King novels like every other red-blooded American tween, but for some reason I never read or even watched The Shining. When I found out on Twitter that Doctor Sleep, the sequel to The Shining, was coming out as a film in October 2019, I thought, it’s time for me to dive into this epic. First I read the terrifying masterpiece The Shining, then laughed at Jack Nicholson’s one-man show performance in the movie version. Next I tackled the novel Doctor Sleep (I’m embarrassed to admit I didn’t know it had been published in 2013). Overall, I would say that both books, especially Doctor Sleep, are not horror novels but psychological thrillers. King brilliantly weaves in behavior patterns, domestic abuse, and repressed issues into scary yet emotional adventures. I was relieved that in Doctor Sleep, adult Dan Torrance finally gets the happy ending he deserves. He bonds with his mentor Dick and builds lasting familial relationships. Although the movie ver sion’s second half disappointed me, it helped solidify an important realization: The Shining and Doctor Sleep follow the concept of the original Star Wars trilogy: father seduced by an evil force, no longer himself, finally redeems himself by saving his similarly gifted son who the evil really wants. From the snippets I’d seen and heard, I’d always assumed that the fathers in both epics are fatally destroyed as traitors, but now I realize they redeemed themselves at the very end of their madness. It is an anticlimactic but more peaceful ending. â€"Shireen Hakim The Future of Another Timeline by Annalee Newitz Time traveling geologists fight back against a group of misogynists determined to erase women’s rights from the timeline in this incredible, imaginative, heartbreaking examination of progress, prejudice, and the power of friendship. At times this book was hard to read because the realityâ€"both the similarities and differences, good and badâ€"was just too depressingly plausible. But there’s a strong undercurrent of optimism throughout to keep the reader buoyed, and the story and the characters are just too freaking good to pass up. â€"Rachel Brittain The Good Luck Girls by Charlotte Nicole Davis I really loved this alternative western about five young women (teenage girls, really) escaping the “welcome house†where they are sold for men’s pleasure from their 16th birthdays to their retirement at 40. On the run after one of the girls kills a “brag†in self-defense, the girls seek a legendary woman with the ability to remove their magical marks that tell the world who owns them. Naturally, the journey is not easy; they are pursued by hired guns and malicious spirits and have to trust a young man who may not be what he claims to be. â€"Annika Barranti Klein In the Dream House by Carmen Maria Machado This dreamy, strange memoir is a masterpiece of genre-bending writing. Machado sets her story of a queer abusive relationship within the framework of a haunted house: each chapter is a new meditation, a new genre, that takes us through her story. It is evocative and rich. Machado’s writing is at turns breathtaking, ironic, and daring; she dives into nonfiction to explore why queer abusive relationships are not discussed as much as they should be, or uses fairytale motif classifications to point out the insidious ways they manifest in our stories, our lives. The true point of genius is when Machado presents a chapter in the format of a pick-your-path novel: haunting and dark, the cycle of manipulation is stark to the reader. Machado’s memoir is one of my personal best books of this entire decade, and affected me deeply on every page. â€"Leah Rachel von Essen The Kill Club by Wendy Heard What a story! This thriller/mystery kept me on the edge of my seat. Jasmine Benavides, aka Jazz, has tried everything to no availâ€"through the proper channels of police, child protection, etc.â€"to help her younger brother, living with an abusive foster/adoptive mother Carol who withholds his diabetes medication. A mysterious organization contacts Jazz and promises a permanent solution to Carol. The catch? For someone else to take care of Carol, she has to kill someone elses Carol. Relentless pacing, great flawed characters. Loved the lesbian and bisexual representation and the focus on working class East LA with a noticeable attempt to not pretend there isnt a substantial homeless population in the city. â€"Casey Stepaniuk Know My Name by Chanel Miller In the midst of all the #MeToo stories we’ve been seeing, I don’t know that any other book so perfectly conveys the physical and emotional toll the criminal justice process can take on someone who has been sexually assaulted. Miller’s memoir is the perfect response to all the misguided questions people have about victims of assault, and about whether and when they choose to report. Her generosity and courage in sharing this story is mind-blowing. â€"Steph Auteri Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng Sometimes a book is so good, it is difficult to come up with the words to describe how good of a read it is. That is exactly how I felt after reading Little Fires Everywhere. I can’t even form sentences worthy enough to describe how Celeste Ng masterfully wove the complexity of race, motherhood, and class into a story of a seemingly simple suburban life. I also loved that the book’s ending left me satisfied, yet hungry for more story. I still want to know the next steps for The Richardson Family and where Mia and Pearl stopped next, but I enjoyed the open ending that leaves me wondering. Now, I’m impatiently waiting for the Little Fires Everywhere adaptation. â€"Katisha Smith Long Live the Tribe of Fatherless Girls by T Kira Madden This memoir from T Kira Madden is one of the most beautiful books I read this year. Not only is her writing captivating, unique and arresting, but the way that she tells the story of growing up in Boca Raton just on the periphery of a famous family wracked with scandal is incredible. She perfectly depicts the challenge of growing up with parents who are often not present because of alcohol and drug use, and the dedication and love she feels for them despite everything. She carries us through episodes in her life with a story that meanders forwards and backwards, somehow deftly never losing the thread of the tale. I never stopped marveling at the beauty of her writing and turns of phrases. Highly recommend for anyone who enjoys reading about the pain of growing up. â€"Katherine Packer Metropolitan Stories by Christine Coulson I stumbled across this book randomly and knew that I needed it in my life as soon as I read the description. Written by an author who worked at the Metropolitan Museum for over 25 years, this book imagines the hidden lives of the art and the people who work to preserve them there. It’s a whimsical ode to the Met, and I’d recommend it to any art history nerd in need of a quick, yet thoughtful read. â€"Andy Winder My Time Among the Whites: Notes from an Unfinished Education by Jennine Capó Crucet I wish everyone would read this excellent essay collection. I felt this even more strongly after students at a Georgia university got upset at her for discussing white privilege and burned copies of it. People who get upset at conversations about white privilege are exactly the ones who need to read this book! Crucet writes about her experiences as a first-generation American and as the daughter of Cuban immigrants. Her wonderful first essay describes what it was like to be a first-generation college student. In later essays, she writes about Disney World, a Nebraskan rodeo town, life as a college professor in the midwest, and more. Her writing is thought-provoking, complex, timely, and utterly satisfying. â€"Rebecca Hussey On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong This book is an absolute stunner. Ocean Vuong is a well-known poet, and this is his first novel. His skill with poetry and language comes across beautifully in this story. It is about a son writing to his Vietnamese, immigrant single motherâ€"who cannot read Englishâ€"when the son is in his late 20s and looking back on their lives. He reflects on the special love they shared, all the challenges, the family’s history and his missing father, and their immigrant experience with such tenderness. So many of the intense moments in this book made me gasp and feel broken in two, and other moments were so loving and comforting. It is one that sticks with you. â€"Emily Stochl Priestdaddy by Patricia Lockwood At the age of 30, medical expenses forced Patricia Lockwood and her husband to move back in with her parents. Per the title, her father is a Catholic priest (by way of an obscure loophole) and a scene-stealing character throughout her memoir. Lockwood’s writing is hilarious, but shes also super thoughtful and reflective. This memoir is full of in-jokes about church and the communities surrounding it, but also introspection about the inheritance of a religious upbringing and the process of creating art from ones own life. I loved Priestdaddy so much because I saw snippets of myself in Lockwood’s relationship to her family, her youth, and her writing, but even if you dont relate to her, I still think youll find this to be a darn good read. â€"Emily Polson Queen of the Conquered by Kacen Callender This is one of the more unique fantasy novels I’ve come across, and a must-read for fans of dark fantasy. Callender reimagines the colonization and enslavement of the people of the Caribbean Islands into a second world fantasy where the white, elite class has unique magical powers, but any people of color found with these powers are executed. The protagonist, Sigourney Rose, is the only survivor of one of these elite families. She’s also black and a powerful magic-user. As a noble and leader, she’s not executed for her powers, but that doesn’t mean the other elite families like her. This novel interrogates how the mentality and beliefs of the conquerers can become embedded into belief systems, and how difficult it is to fight against the biases you’re raised into. It’s a really captivating read. â€"Margaret Kingsbury Shout by Laurie Halse Anderson I read Speak over ten years ago and was grateful for Anderson’s candid portrayal of sexual assault. Shout is not a sequel to Speak but rather a follow-up from Anderson’s years of speaking to thousands of readers with Me Too stories and her anger at our culture for not changing its approach to sexual assault. Shout is Anderson revealing her soul in free verse, adding to the ongoing dialogue of survivors reclaiming their stories. She takes our hands and shows us the years leading up to her assault, the day of the assault, and the years after. In a culture that consistently silences survivors, Anderson encourages them to shout their stories. â€"Neha Patel Sick Kids in Love by Hannah Moskowitz When Isabel meets fellow chronic illness patient Sasha at her regular infusion treatment, she knows she’s going to have a hard time upholding her no-dating policy. As she tries to make everyone around her understand that while her arthritis means she can’t necessarily do everything everyone else does, it doesn’t mean her life is less-than. In this Own Voices story, Isabel must contend with a world built for the physically well while navigating the romance that shouldn’t be with Sasha alongside a gaping hole in her family and a group of friends who just don’t get it. Isabel’s sincere voice brings a story that drives a path of what it means to be chronically ill while treating readers to an adorable teen romance. â€"Abby Hargreaves The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern When graduate student Zachary Ezra Rawlins finds a book that somehow contains an intimate story from his childhood, he sets off to learn more about the mysterious book’s origins. His search leads to an underground library, secret societies, would-be assassins, magic, and more stories than he ever dreamed. Morgenstern’s skill at building magical worlds is on full display here. The Starless Sea is a love letter to stories: how they’re created, how they evolve, and what they mean to the artists and readers who love them. â€"Jamie Orsini The Stationery Shop by Marjan Kamali The Stationery Shop leaves a particular kind of heartache, equal parts sadness, contentment, and hope. A love story unfolds before us during 1953 Tehran, a time of great political upheaval where the brief taste of democracy is in the throes of destruction by local and global supporters of the shah. Despite all that, young love blossoms in a stationery shop, a love that sustains even while the two end up separated for nearly a lifetime. Kamali’s writing is pure magic, turning the simple act of cooking a meal into something transformative. She writes characters so raw, charming, and alarming that you’ll feel the blood coursing through their hearts, from Roya’s desire for poetry and Bahman’s fervor for democracy, to the heartbreaking wishes and flaws of their parents. Even though there’s so much sorrow, there is also proof that life continues to move forward, and love takes hold in so many forms. Bonus points if you listen to the audio book, whose hypnotic reading by Mozhan Ma rnò flows like water. â€"Alya Hameed Such a Fun Age by Kiley Reid Alix is a white blogger, influencer, and mother. Emira is a black twentysomething trying to figure out where her life is headed and how to afford health insurance. While babysitting Alixs daughter, Emira is stopped by a grocery store security guard who accuses her of kidnapping. From there, a string of good intentions and bad behavior spirals their relationship into something that cant be repaired. This book is so incredibly smart. The characters are complex and messy and trying their best in all the wrong ways. Everything about the way the story unfolds is perfection. I couldnt put it down, and I cant wait to read what Kiley Reid writes next. â€"Susie Dumond The Unsuitable by Molly Pohlig (Henry Holt and Co., April 14, 2020) (CW: Self-harm) This is a fiercely feminist Gothic novel of manners and body horror set in Victorian times, and I am HERE. FOR. IT. Iseult (think ‘insult’ without the ‘n’) Wince is a young woman on the verge of being branded a spinster. Iseult’s mother died giving birth to her, so she has grown up in a mansion with only her father, who resents her, and her governess, who doesn’t know what to do with her. So she’s almost all alone in the world. Almost, because the soul of Iseult’s dead mother lives in a scar on Iseult’s neck. And she talks to Iseult. (Who hasn’t been there, amirite?) She has always been comforted by her mother’s presence, but now Iseult wants to be independent. Her father wants Iseult out of the house, but all of his attempts to marry her off have so far been unsuccessful, partly because Iseult cannot refrain from telling guests about her neck-mother. So her father is down to the last eligible bachelor for Iseult: a man with skin the color of sil ver. This seemingly unmarriageable man is meant to be a slap in the face for Iseult, but she finds herself intrigued, and wonders if the silver man might be the answer she’s been waiting for. The Unsuitable is a wildly imaginative novel that portrays self-harm in a respectful, comprehensive way, and sets fire to all preconceived notions with regards to spinsterhood, self-image, and mental illness in Victorian times (which can also be applied to present day.) â€"Liberty Hardy The Water Dancer by Ta-Nehisi Coates Sometimes, great writers of a specific genre don’t necessarily excel in the same way when they cross into others. A great journalist is not always a great novelist, and vice versa. However, with Ta-Nehisi Coates, The Water Dancer makes the case for his talents as a writer of both nonfiction and fiction. Known best for his memoirs and journalism, including the blisteringly excellent Between the World and Me, Coates has penned a debut novel that succeeds as both a work of clean, impeccable prose, and great ambition. The story follows Hiram Walker, a slave in the Antebellum South, who is endowed with supernatural powers that allow him to transport people across great distances via bodies of water. It is at once a surrealist thrill-ride, elegiac tribute to generations of American slaves, and a painful portrait of the country’s exploitative foundation. â€"D.R. Baker Ziggy, Stardust and Me by James Brandon I know I recently said that I think I’ve outgrown young adult fiction, but every now and then there comes a book that you know you just have to read, because you know it’s going to rip your heart out. In 1973, when the Watergate hearings are in full swing, the Vietnam War is still raging, and homosexuality is still officially considered a mental illness, 16-year-old Jonathan Collinsâ€"a bullied and anxious teenagerâ€"feels completely alone in the world. To cope, he escapes into the safe haven of his imagination where his late mother and his hero, David Bowie’s Ziggy Stardust, guide him through life. In his alternate reality, he can be anything: a brave superhero, Ziggy Stardust, or just a “normal†boy who doesn’t like other boys. When he completes his treatments, Jonathan will be normalâ€"at least he hopes. But before that can happen, Web waltzes into his life. Reading Ziggy, Stardust and Me felt like looking into a mirror and seeing the bullied, anxious teenager I once w as, who dwelled intensely in his own imagination and blasted Madonna through his headphones walking home from school to drown out the voices of people who didn’t understand him. This was the book I would have needed when I was younger, and I’m so glad it exists now. I hope it reaches the misfits who need it most. â€"Jeffrey Davies Here’s to finding your next amazing read!
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Study Of The Sugar Industry In Pakistan Finance Essay - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 13 Words: 3991 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Research paper Did you like this example? The sugar industry plays an important role in the economy of the country. It is the second largest industry after textiles. The sugar sector constitutes 4.2 per cent of manufacturing. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Study Of The Sugar Industry In Pakistan Finance Essay" essay for you Create order In size, the sugar sector almost matches the cement sector [1] , however, its many backward (sugarcane growers) and forward linkages (food processors) in the economy indicate that its indirect socio-economic impact in overall terms is significantly larger than its direct contribution to GDP. At the time of independence in 1947, there were only two sugar factories in Pakistan. The output of these factories was not sufficient for meeting the domestic requirements. The country started to import sugar from other countries and huge foreign exchange was spent on this item. Need was felt to increase the production of sugar. Keeping in view the importance of sugar industry, the Government setup a commission in 1957 to frame a scheme for the development of sugar industry. In this way the first sugar mill was established at Tango Muhammad Khan in Sind province in the year 1961. [2] No. of Mills Crushing Capacity 6.1 Million tones Contribution to Economy Share in GDP Employment Total Investment 3.0 4.0 Million Tones 1.9% 1.5 million (directly indirectly) PKR 100 Billion (Approx) Average Yield Per Hector 46.8 Tones Total Cane Production 45.0 55.0 Million Tones Cane Available 30-43 Million Tones Average recovery of sugar 9.1 (vs. world avg. 10.6%) Per Capita Consumption 25.8 kegs. Contribution to exchequer Rs. 12.16 Billion Table : Key Facts of Sugar industry of Pakistan, BOI Govt. of Pakistan Currently Pakistan is the 5th largest country in the world in terms of area under sugar cane cultivation, 11th by production and 60th in; yield. Sugarcane is the primary raw material for the production of sugar. The sugar industry in Pakistan is the 2nd largest agro based industry comprising 81 sugar mills with annual crushing capacity of over 6.1 million tones. [3] According to Ministry of Industries and Production; total crushing capacity of the Sugar mills is about 505,000 tons per day. The average capacity utilization of the sugar mills during the last five years remained 70% to 74%. The Sugar industry employs over 75000 people, including management experts, technologists, engineers, and financial experts, skilled, semiskilled and unskilled workers. It contributes around 4 billion rupees only under the head of excise duty and other levies to the Government are also paramount significance. Sugar Production in Pakistan The Pakistan is an agriculture country, and agriculture is backbone of economy. Pakistan is also main producer of sugar in worldwide. Sugarcane is an important cash crop of Pakistan. It is an important source of income and employment for the farming community throughout the year. It forms the basis for many important industries like Gur, molasses, alcohol, sugar beverages, chipboard, paper, confectionery and provides raw materials to mainly other industries such as chemicals, plastics, paints, synthetics, fiber, insecticides, detergents etc. According to Food and Agriculture Organization of The United Nations and FAOSTAT, Pakistan is ranked fifth in world cane acreage and 15th in sugar production. Sugarcane is grown on over a million hectares and provides the raw material for Pakistans sugar mills. Its share in value added of agriculture and GDP are 3.4 percent and 0.7 percent, respectively. Although, Pakistan happens to be the worlds fifth largest grower of sugarcane it has per haps the lowest yield in the world. The average sugarcane yields in Pakistan have remained between 40-45 tons per hectare which is considerably less than those obtained in many other countries. Average yield of sugarcane in the world is around: 65 metric tons per hectare and Asia 65.4 while China 77.1, India 70.6, Pakistan 46.0, Philippines 92.6, Thailand 92.6, Australia 75.5 and Egypt 105 tons per hectare. The sugar recovery is 8.5 % against the obtainable recovery of 10.5%. [4] Sugarcane production is cyclical as the interests of farmers and industry is often at odds. Industry procurement practices such as delaying the crushing season, buying cane at less than the support price, short weight, false deductions and delayed payments reduce returns to farmers. Sugar millers complain that farmers grow unapproved varieties with low sucrose content, thus resulting in lower sugar production and recovery rates. [5] For 2008-09, sugarcane has been sown in the area of 1029 thousa nd hectares, 17.1 percent lower than last year. Sugarcane production for the year 2008-09 is estimated at 50.0 million tons, against 63.9 million tons last year. This indicates significant decline of 21.7 percent over the production of last year. The main reasons of lower production are shortage of irrigation water, shifting of area to rice crop less use of DAP and non-payments of dues to farmers by the sugar mills on time for the last years crop. [6] The following table shows the area cultivated production and yield for sugarcane production. In this also we see the comparison of last five years; Table : Area, Production and Yield of Sugarcane, Economic Survey of Pakistan 2008-09 According to Annual report 2009 of PSMA the reason is milling policies of the current crushing season have provided strong disincentives to sugarcane growers. Sugar mills reduced the price offered per 40 kilos by Rs 5.0 about US$ 0.08 and continued the practice of taking large deductions to meet their cane quality standards, causing cane growers to shift to more profitable crops. For the year 2009/10 sugarcane production is forecast at 53.6 MMT, an increase of 4 percent over the previous year due to an expected increase in area and yield. A shortage of cane supply during the current crushing season led to an increase in cane prices. This situation benefitted growers who received prices higher than the indicative prices announced by the Government. This development is expected to contribute to an increase in sugarcane area and productivity in the ensuing year. Moreover, last years higher production of rice and sunflower led to lower prices received by farmers, thereby encouraging the switch back to sugarcane. [7] Sugarcane production for year 2009/10 was estimated at 53.6 MMT, which shows an increase of 4 percent compared to that of previous year. This increase was due to an increase in area and yield. A shortage of cane supply during that crushing season led to an increase in its prices. This situation benefitted growers who received prices higher than the indicative prices announced by the Government. This development contributed to an increase in sugarcane area and productivity in the ensuing year. Moreover, a higher production of rice and sunflower 2008 led to lower prices received by farmers, thereby encouraging the switch back to sugarcane. CONSUMPTION In 2009/10 sugar consumption is forecast at 4.35 MMT. Total per capita refined sugar consumption was estimated at 25 kilograms, based on improved domestic supply and strong demand. Retail sugar prices were expected to increase 46 percent above the last years average prices. Much of this increase of price was currency devaluation followed by a rise in international prices. Moreover, the stability of retail prices depended upon timely imports and prevailing prices in the international market. REASONS OF CRISIS Year 2009 saw a natural decrease in the production of sugar. One of the main reasons being that farmers only grow the products giving them maximum benefit. In year 2008 the government increased the price of wheat to Rs. 950 in order to give farmers an incentive to grow wheat. This caused the non growers to grow wheat. Similarly, sugarcane farmers also switched to wheat production. Other than this the production of sugarcane also declined due to difficulty faced in its production. These difficulties included water shortage, behavior of the mills management, late payments, and increase in the input costs, diseases and rodent attack. Mill owners especially got blamed for late or no payments to farmers and limited irrigation water. These two major factors caused the supply of sugar to decrease by 15 to 20 percent as compared to its previous year. Furthermore, the biggest sugar producers, India and Brazil faced unfavorable weather conditions for sugarcane growth. This reduction in global supply caused the price of sugar to credibly increase. Another problem occurred when the wholesalers and mill owners artificially created a shortage of sugar to increase its prices right before Ramadan. These mill owners buy sugarcane 3 to 5 months before hand. Further they limited the supply so that prices of sugar would go up. The main incentive of course was profit. These mill owners have a monopoly in the market and so they are able to control the prices. So all in all in order to manipulate prices, the supply of sugar was artificially reduced in Pakistan. Considering the above stated reason, government mismanagement and sugar industry profiteering are the main reason for sugar crisis in Pakistan in the period 2008 2009. Although the government did watch crop production and was aware of the potential sugar shortage, it failed to act timely. Various reports in December indicated that the total production was 3.2 million tons while demand was betw een 3.4 to 4.0 million tons. The government solution was to import duty free raw sugar of 300,000 tons so that the mills could process it. However, at that time, the government feared that if they imported duty free raw sugar, then mill owners would not buy from the local market. Nevertheless, delaying the time of purchase did not seem to be a good idea especially as international price of sugar shot up and sugar was nearly twice as expensive to import. Moving on, the government was aware that sugar consumption always increases around Ramadan. It should have been responsible for managing the shortage in an effective manner. Unlike wheat and other crops, sugar can be easily stored for a long period of time. But the government did not maintain a stock to prevent crisis. Other than this, if mill owners and wholesalers are manipulating to maximize profit then a strict action should have been taken on the part of government to stop them and m ake certain policies that secures the right of public to a commodity of daily use like sugar at a nominal price at least when it is available. But the government did not respond to this and remained indifferent. Role of political figures in sugar industry Pakistan: The sugar crisis remained there in the economy of Pakistan for a long time. At one point in time the Finance Minister claimed that our government was unable to deal with the powerful sugar manufacturers. The regulatory body had long warned about the anti-competitive and restrictive practices of the sugar industry but no one paid attention to these warnings. Sugar mill owners have always been able to control the price of sugar, once again, due to bad policies of some minions of the state. Due to growth in population of Pakistan and increased industrial activity, the forecast of sugar requirement which was made for the 2009-10 was 4.2 million tons against a total expected production of 3.5 million tons by the countrys 73 plus sugar mills. It is in the knowledge of Pakistan Sugar Mills Association (PSMA), that a powerful lobby representing the millers interest, has often made common cause against sugarcane growers who have to generally wait a lot to sell their crop. In spite of importing sugar, the millers have been lobbying for permission to meet the deficit by importing raw sugar and later on by processing, they could process it into refined sugar for sale in the local market. To counterbalance this scenario, the sugarcane growers should also be permitted to convert their crop into gur or raw sugar for sale either to the sugar mills or in the local market. When the idea of importing raw sugar was floated last year, the sugarcane crushing season was about to start in November. At that time, some circles felt that if the permission to import raw sugar was allowed immediately, the sugar mill-owners may not remain very enthusiastic about the procurement of sugarcane from the producers. In the meantime, the news about the likely shortage of sugar in Pakistan reached the global community. Consequently, the price of sugar, including brown sugar, started rising in the international markets. Currently, raw sugar price in the international market is hovering around Rs. 52-54 per kilogram and when processed into refined sugar the cost may go up to Rs. 60-62 per kilogram. Anyhow, the government has now allowed the millers to import 300,000 tons of raw sugar to mitigate the impact of the current sugar crisis, which poses a serious political challenge to the government due to the fact that some political figures, mostly in the opposition, have big stakes in sugar mills. In Pakistan, the sugar sector constitutes 4.2 per cent of manufacturing. Likewise, the mills manufacture sugar for five months but have to release their stock uniformly over the year. Stock piling thus becomes an issue. A study on the sugar sector by the Competition Commission of Pakistan (CCP) reveals that restrictive practices in this sector are widespread. Although CCP does not have sound proof of a sugar cartel in Pakistan, but there is sufficient evidence to suggest about the existence of parallel pricing in this sector. Currently there are 79 sugar mills oper ating currently in the country, amongst them 33 are owned by the renowned political figures. Following paragraph provides the list. NAME Designation (owner of ) : SUGAR MILL NAME Ch Zaka Ashraf President ZTB Ltd Ashraf Sugar mills Haseeb group Cousions of Main Nawaz shareef Brother Sugar Mills Abdullah sugar mills Haseeb sugar mills Salman Shehbaz Son of Mian Shehbaz sharif , CM Punjab Ramzan Sugar mills Nawaz shareef Ex prime minister Chaudry Sugar mills Abdullah Yousaf Sugar Mills Itefaq sugar mills Humayun Akhtar Khan Former Commerce minister , leader of PML-Q Faisalabad Tandlianwala Sugar Mills Muzaffargarh Tandlianwala Sugar Mills Dera Ismail Khan Tandlianwala Sugar Mills Jehangir Tarin cousin of Humayun Akhtar khan (Two)JDW Sugar Mills United Sugar Mills Amer Sultan Cheema son-in-law of Ch Shujaat, President of PML-Q National Sugar Mills Sargodha Nasrullah Dareshk Former federal minister Indus Sugar Mills Abbas Sarfraz Former federal minister Premier Group(contains 4 mills) Saleem Altaf former federal minister Baba Farid Sugar Mills Shakargan j Mills. Fehmida mirza Speaker national assembly Mirza sugar mills The original owner of the Ansari and Sakrand Sugar Mills in Sindh is the top man of the country, but they said mills are being run by others. The network of political authorities compelled the Federal Minister for Industries who is Mian Manzoor Ahmed watoo, to fix the ex-mill price of sugar at Rs 48 per kg in the province Sindh and Rs 49.75 in Khaibar Pakhtoonkhuah(NWFP) and Punjab .Immediately after the Punjab government made a deal with sugar mills, and according to that deal the ex-mill price was set at Rs 45 instead of the aforementioned prices, the chief executive of the country came into action and accorded approval to Rs 45 as ex-mill price across the country. After much chaos in the country, the Ministry of Industries and Production and All-Pakistan Sugar Mills Association, finally reached an agreement to sell sugar at ex-mill rate of Rs. 48 per kilogram in Sindh as mentioned earlier and Rs. 49.75 per kilogram in Punjab. As a follow-up to this agreement, Federal Minister for Industries and Production Mian Manzoor Ahmed Wattoo revealed in the recent year of 2010 that the government has withdrawn cases which were registered against sugar mill owners in order to improve sugar supply chain and to stabilize its prices. Research has however shown that the input cost of the sugar stands at Rs 33.48 per kg which means that after cartelization and mutual agreements they have setup a high margin and has been dishonest with the masses by selling sugar at Rs 50 to Rs 55 per kg still has the maximum margin to pocket the profit of Rs 12 per kg when the ex-mill price was fixed at Rs 45 per kg. Khalid Mirza, who is the Chairman, Competition Commission, Pakistan. Made fine to the cement industry Rs 6.23 billion after it was evident the there is a cartel among cement manufactures just like in case of Sugar. He resolved to act accordingly, in the case of sugar industry, and not get under pressure by the political players. There is dominant political lobby of the self-interested sugarcane growers and the sugar industry, which has always made it possible to set the prices according to their vested interests and therefore deceive masses. In November 2008 the Ministry of sugar Industries sent a summary report to the Economic Coordination Committee (ECC), seeking permission of the import of raw sugar because of the shortage of sugarcane crop by 14 million tones. At that time Pakistan produced 50 million tons less by 14 tones in comparison with the sugarcane production of 64 million tons in 2007. Pakistan produced sugar of 3.2 million out of 50 million tones sugarcane crop however the requirement was 4.2 million tones sugar. The TCP documents suggests that Pakistani government , few months later, in February 2009, made an import of 25,000 tons of sugar at $451 per ton which is equivalent to PKR 51 per kg at Karachi sea port. few months later in April th ey imported 50,000 tons at $474 per tones (Rs 53 per kg) at Karachi port again and in the same month it again imported 50,000 tons of sugar at prices of $494 per ton (Rs 55 per kg) and in the month of August 75,000 tones at $638 per ton, meaning the total cost of the sugar is at Rs 74 kg. SCENARIO OF SUGAR INDUSTRY IN 2010: The sugar industry in Pakistan continued to deal with uncertainty in 2009 due to decreasing sugar production and a lack of coordinated government policy. This uncertainty has been seen in the current fiscal year 2010.The sugar industry has been showing varying trends in the current year. At July end, just a fortnight before the advent of Ramadan, there was Rs.10 per kg increase in the price of sugar sold at the utility stores. The objective of the move was to counteract against hoarding by profiteers during the holy month. The six-member ministerial committee once again relied on the Trading Corporation of Pakistan (TCP) to import 375,000 metric tons of sugar to replenish supplies, which it had earlier held responsible for the failure to import 1.2 million metric tons of the commodity by June 30.Previously Economic Coordination Committee made efforts to improve the sugar supply in the market, and it even authorized the committee to import sugar by either negotiating deals dir ectly with the private sector or by tendering, whichever way the sweetener reached the country quickest. The six member committee was constituted after the TCP failed to import 1.2 million metric tons of sugar on the government directive to meet the shortfall between production and consumption. The government had estimated the shortfall of over one million metric tons. At the last ECC meeting, it was told that official sugar stock was sufficient only for 13 days. At the meeting, the sugar price was fixed at Rs55 per kg, up by Rs10 from the currently-pegged official rate of Rs45 per kg. The government took this decision to avert pressure from the utility stores after the commodity prices started witnessing an upward trend in the run-up to Ramazan. The new rates will take effect from the first day of the holy month. After Ramazan, according to the committee decision, the difference between the open market and utility stores would not be of more than Rs10 per kg. This stood as a broad hint that the commodity prices would further register a Rs5 per kg increase after Ramazan as the market rate is hovering above Rs70 per kg. c.gif The committee also recommended allowing duty-free import of 500,000 metric ton of raw sugar till November 30, 2010 on a first come, first served basis. The committee also decided that with the completion of the current sugar import process the market forces will be allowed to prevail and the private sector would be encouraged to import sugar. The crisis in the sugar industry prevailed in mid 2010 because of failure on part of the cabinet to implement its decision of export of raw sugars and because the government failed to implement the recommendations of the regulator under the influence of vested interests. The latest October/November story of sugar industry includes hoarding scenario and recovery of 35000 bags of sugar which has impaired the credibility of Pakistan Sugar Mills Association. Business recorder summarizes this story as: The raid at the mills as reported in the press has tarnished the image of Pakistan Sugar Mills Association. Chairman Pakistan Sugar Mills Association in a press conference held on November 8 2010 had stated that sugar industry had already exhausted its stocks based on data received from member mills, including Hussein Sugar Mills Limited which reported 1.5 ton as remaining balance as on October 31, 2010. The recovery of 35,000 bags by Administration has raised questions and grossly impaired the credibility of PSMA. The Punjab government on November 30th informed the Lahore High Court that delayed import of sugar by the federal government had caused shortage of sugar in the province and its sale on high price. The latest October/November story of sug ar industry includes hoarding scenario and recovery of 35000 bags of sugar which has impaired the credibility of Pakistan Sugar Mills Association. Business recorder summarizes this story as: The raid at the mills as reported in the press has tarnished the image of Pakistan Sugar Mills Association. Chairman Pakistan Sugar Mills Association in a press conference held on November 8 2010 had stated that sugar industry had already exhausted its stocks based on data received from member mills, including Hussein Sugar Mills Limited which reported 1.5 ton as remaining balance as on October 31, 2010. The recovery of 35,000 bags by Administration has raised questions and grossly impaired the credibility of PSMA. The Punjab government on November 30th informed the Lahore High Court that delayed import of sugar by the federal government had caused shortage of sugar in the province and its sale on high price. The average retail sugar price in Karachi on November 30th was Rs 88 per kg, Rs 8 5 and Rs 88 in Peshawar and Quetta, respectively. However, the retailers in Lahore and Islamabad were selling sugar at Rs 72 per kg, the price officially announced by the government. Industries and Production Secretary Abdul Ghaffar Soomro said the sugar prices were directly linked with the price of sugarcane and the federal government had no control over that matter. He said the indicative rate announced by the Punjab government was Rs 125 per 40 kg, but the farmers were selling it at Rs 150 per 40 kg and in Sindh the mills were buying sugarcane at Rs 160 per 40 kg against the indicative price of Rs 217 per 40 kg. The sugar crisis is expected to resurface next year due to lack of coordination among various organs of the government and in the absence of any regulatory body to control sugar prices. Inadequate reserves with the provincial departments led to a free hand to market manipulators, who gradually increased the prices to more than Rs 100 per kg a few days ago. The quant ity sanctioned to the provinces and the Islamabad territory in Ramazan had not been lifted by them till now. There was no sugar shortage in the country rather there will be surplus sugar in the coming days because the sugar mills had started their production and imports were also in progress. CONCLUSION: The major reasons for the sugar crisis brewing in 2009 and 2010 had been inability in framing effective measures by the provincial governments to control hoarding, failure to import sugar to meet shortfall of sugar production in the country, and an overall lack of government policy. The operation of cartels as explained had played an inevitable role in worsening the sugar crisis in the country. RECOMMENDATIONS: Tight regulatory policies should be chalked out to prevent sugar hoarding and appropriate surveillance measures should be implemented on a timely basis to check for illegal activities like hoarding carried in the sugar industry. Effective measures should be adopted to import sugar without any delay to overcome the sugar deficit in the country, and to avoid sugar price hike. A ban should be placed on the formation of cartels to avoid sugar deficit and sugar price hike. Sugar industries should be granted subsidies frequently to encourage them to forecast the sugar demand accurately and to prevent hoarding. REFRENCES: https://
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Torture ever an acceptable method of obtaining information Free Essays
Is torture ever an acceptable method of obtaining information ? BY Kvrm 234 Is torture ever an acceptable method of obtaining information? For most of us, our gut Instinct Is to say ‘no’ and studies have shown that Information obtained by the use of torture is unreliable. However, imagine a hypothetical situation where a terrorist group has planted a bomb and the government caught one of its members. This captured terrorist will only admit to planting a bomb In a high traffic area. We will write a custom essay sample on Torture ever an acceptable method of obtaining information or any similar topic only for you Order Now Would that convince you to use torture? Or what if a terrorist captured your family and took them to a secret location. Like the bomb scenario, the authorities have managed to capture one of the terrorists but he won’t give up the location. Would you have any qualms about using torture to extract the information, even if that information might be faulty? Here’s a news story clip about the effectiveness (or In this case the Ineffectiveness) of torture: It’s become the conventional wisdom that the tortured will say anything to make the torture stop, and that â€Å"anything†need not be truthful as long as it is what the torturers want to hear. But years worth of studies In neuroscience, as well as new research, suggest that here are, in addition, fundamental aspects of neurochemistry that increase the chance that information obtained under torture will not be truthful. The backstory. The Inspector general of the CIA last month released a 2004 report on the interrogation of A1 Qaeda suspects. As my colleague Mark Hosenball reported, it and other internal documents (which Cheney called on the CIA to release, believing they would back his claim) do not show that torture worked. In fact, The New York Times reported, the documents â€Å"do not refer to any specific interrogation methods and do not assess their effectiveness. Scientists do not pretend to know, in any individual case, whether torture might extract useful Information. But as neurobiologist Shane O’Mara of the Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience in Dublin explains in a paper in the Journal Trends in Cognitive Science called â€Å"Torturing the Brain,†â€Å"the use of such techniques appears motivated by a folk psychology that Is demonstrably incorrect. Solid scientific evidence on how repeated and extreme stress and pain affect memory and executive functions (such as planning or forming intentions) suggests these techniques are unlikely to do anything other than the opposite of that ntended by coercive or ‘enhanced’ interrogation. As you can see, torture is unreliable. How to cite Torture ever an acceptable method of obtaining information, Papers
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Recent Singapore History Essays - Republics, Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew
Recent Singapore History Singapore, since it attained its independence on June 3, 1959, has been a thriving, trading nation. It had been controlled by the British, but after negotiations, was relinquished to self-autonomy with the understanding that it would remain a republic. Since then, it has reaffirmed its non-Communist stance and continued with progressive economic policies to the delight of the free world. Singapore's modern history begins with its independence. It quickly drafted a Constitution, which called for a nine-member cabinet, drawn from the 51-member legislature, and a Prime Minister. An additional stipulation was that there had to be a Malay Head of State in the predominately Chinese population. In the first election, the PAP, or People's Action Party, won 43 seats in the legislature and its leader, Lee Kuan Yew, became Prime Minister. Sir William Goode, the former Governor, received the Malay position of Head of State. In 1961, Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman of Malay, proposed a closer cooperation between some of the Southeast Asian countries. Lee Kuan Yew supported this plan to have a central government that controlled defense, foreign affairs, and internal security. Backing for the merger was provided by a public referendum and on September 16, 1963, Malaysia, consisting of the Federation of Malaya, Singapore, Sarawak, and Northern Borneo, was established. Despite the overwhelming support for the merger, two years later, on August 9, 1965, Singapore withdrew from Malaysia. On September 21 of the same year, Singapore became a member of the United Nations. It also was joined into the Commonwealth of Nations on October 15. Singapore continued with the radical political changes and formed a republic on December 22 with Yusof bin Ishak as the first President. This struggling country with a myriad of races had now to restructure its economy and focus on its unsurpassed trading potential. Still in control, the predominately PAP government began a series of acts and programs to help augment the economy and workforce. In 1968, The Employment Act and the Industrial Relations Act promoted industrial peace and workforce discipline. The same year, the Economic Development Board was reorganized and the Jurong Town Corporation and the Development Bank of Singapore were formulated. The Monetary Authority of Singapore was created in 1970 to regulate Singapore's monetary policies. This policy of economic restructuring was stepped up after two oil crises. The education system was amended, technology was enhanced, and incentives were set up for industries to increase productivity. Up until 1967, Britain had remained in Singapore as the military power. A new plan called for a removal of all forces by 1971, forcing Singapore to initiate a military. The Singapore Armed Forces Training Institute was formed in 1966 along with a mandatory military service, initiated in 1967. In 1969, the Singapore Air Defense Command and the Singapore Maritime Command were set up, thereby carrying out a major military buildup. To complete Singapore's security, they joined the Association of Southeast Asian Nations with Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand. Singapore remained incredibly stable from 1968 to 1981. The PAP controlled every seat in the Parliament during that time. By 1991, they had lost only four seats and still continue to dominate the government today. The only major governmental change came from Goh Chok Tong, who was placed into the office of Prime Minister in November of 1990 after Lee Kuan Yew stepped down. Singapore has remained a trading nation since its formation. Even before that, though, since the 12th century, Singapore has relied on being a trading hub. All the themes through Singapore's modern history are related to trade. Over the years, economic growth has shifted to different areas, but all focus on economically surviving with minimal resources. The only resource Singapore had was its workforce, so the first plans were to develop it. In the late 1960s, Singapore used its low-cost workforce to develop industry. Since then, the workforce has become highly educated, but slightly more costly. By the 1970s and 80s, Singapore tried to supplement the manufacturing economy and also become a service center. Next, Singapore's interest was transferred to high-technology manufacturing and business services. Developing into a base for international trade firms supplemented Singapore's economy. By that time, after all the economical advances, Singapore had
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